You better believe it! On Friday, Mr Sunday Movies crossed one million subscribers after a couple of weeks stacked with Avengers: Endgame news, reviews, deleted scenes and things you might’ve missed.
This all comes full circle following the very first video on the channel, Marvel Studio’s Cinematic Future which released almost exactly five years ago on May 10th 2014. An edited podcast clip with Weekly Planet co-host/party boy Nick Mason and a show which just released its latest, timely titled episode: The Future of the MCU…
All this after James’ first channel ‘Mr Sunday to Sunday’ was lost forever alongside its videos and he was forced to reboot thanks to the ongoing mystery of how YouTube deals with copyright laws.
So a big thank you from a million mates for rebuilding, whatever it takes, for the ongoing good times and to everyone who helps make this community the coolest in the land. Now we can all look forward to the next chapter of Mr Sunday’s career as a professional rapper… “Here I go again.“
And finally, fitting of a YouTube accomplishment, you can watch below just how MR SUNDAY MOVIES REACTS!
How did you discover the channel or even which video made you “smash that subscribe” button? Feel free to share or chat comic book movie news in the Great Mates Facebook Group, on Twitter, Instagram and/or over on The Weekly Planet subreddit! Grab dat gem – RAWCollings.