In a tragedy that is being felt not only across the Melbourne comedy scene but also by the wider Australian community, Eurydice Dixon a talented, 22 year old comedian, was tragically murdered on Wednesday night as she walked home after performing a stand up gig at the Highlander Bar in Melbourne. By all accounts a funny, kind and clever young woman who had a bright future ahead of her in comedy, Eurydice’s voice and perspective on the world will now and forever be sorely missed. On behalf of all us here at Planet Broadcasting, I’d like to extend our deepest sorrow to her friends and family at this really difficult time.

With so many events occurring here in Australia and abroad I feel like I’ve stepped through the looking glass and can’t un-know or un-see just how much harder moving through the world can be if you’re a woman; how much harder it has been both historically and politically. So many times in my twenties I walked home confidently past that very park, without worrying about my safety, feeling invincible, trusting that things would all be okay. Unfortunately I’m lucky not to have had this illusion shattered in violence. I have come to know a different reality through listening to the stories of the women around me and suddenly realising in myself unconscious behaviour that I have always done to feel safer, to protect myself. Keys in hand. Friend on the phone. Well lit streets. There’s a conversation that I think #metoo has started that I think needs to continue. The more that blokes can understand that women are just the same flawed, fallible human beings as them with thoughts & opinions who have every right to be treated equally, fairly and with respect the better the world will be. Women don’t owe anyone anything. We are not prizes to be won or trophies to be claimed. We are not merely decorative or here to be a bauble. I know so many wonderful men (and have had the privilege of meeting so many through Planet Broadcasting) who listen to women, who are great friends and parents, fathers and partners. We need you to keep this conversation going in a way that doesn’t make anyone feel ostracised or shut down. I want my son to grow up in a world where he understands that violence against women is completely unacceptable and that love is about listening, about empathy, about equality and about respect. We are more the same than we are different. This also means women need to speak up and say more so this is my attempt at sharing.

One of the greatest joys of running Planet Broadcasting for me has been getting to know and hearing from so many amazing, kind and funny humans from all over the world. In the charity work we do and also in the podcasts we share I think it’s important that we listen to each other and value different perspectives while also giving back to the world in a meaningful way. As a woman in this community I have felt so supported and valued not for my gender but for what I offer and I think it’s so important that this conversation around equality and respect for everyone, male or female, be continued honestly and with kindness. We are all human which means none of us are perfect but what we can do is to try our best to love respectfully, listen to others openly and at the end of the day find friends or family and maybe even podcasters and comedians who can make us laugh and help us see the world a little differently. Check in with those around you to see how they are travelling and look after each other.

Lots of love to everyone this week but especially to all those affected by the loss of Eurydice.

Claire x